Does Water Damage Always Lead to Mold?

Key Takeaways:

  1. Water damage almost always leads to mold due to the presence of mold spores, ideal temperature, darkness, availability of food, oxygen and moisture in the home.
  2. To prevent mold after water damage, act quickly to remove the water, dry affected areas, and document the damages for insurance.
  3. Professionals can provide reliable and timely water damage restoration and mold remediation services.

Unless you act quickly, water damage will always lead to mold. Mold loves standing water, and the wet condition allows its spores to typically grow into full-blown mold within 48 hours. If the indoor environment is dark and damp, mold starts to grow within 24 hours.

The chance of mold growth after water damage depends on three factors:

  1. Severity of the water damage: You may not be able to deal with a flood or a bigger plumbing issue swiftly enough to beat mold. This may allow water to stand in your home longer, and allow mold spores to grow. So, in case of severe water damage, call a professional water damage restoration service for help. They have heavy-duty water extractors and dehumidifiers that will remove water and dry up affected areas fast enough to prevent mold.
  2. Number of affected surfaces: An extensive water damage that affects almost all rooms in your home may be overwhelming to tackle. It may also mean your home is immediately unsafe for your stay. Now, as you wait to confirm the safety of your home or struggle to clean up the many affected areas, mold spores will take advantage. They will land on water-damaged surfaces and immediately begin to establish colonies.
  3. How fast you act: Mold will definitely grow in your home if water stands unchecked for more than 48 hours. And if you can’t act within 24 to 48 hours, mold may grow. That is why if you can’t extract water and dry your home within 24-48 hours, you must assume that mold has started growing.

So, why does water damage almost always lead to mold? Well, mold requires six things to grow:

  1. Presence of mold spores: Of course, mold spores are already floating inside and outside your home. But they won’t grow into full-blown mold until they settle in damp, porous surfaces. If you’re worried about mold spores, install air purifiers.
  2. Ideal temperature: Mold spores grow in a warm environment, above freezing point. Hence, mold can grow in a refrigerator, but not in a freezer—unless it isn’t working. Because mold requires a temperature above 60 degrees Fahrenheit to grow, and your home is almost always at a temperature above this, there is already sufficient warmth in your home for mold growth.
  3. Darkness: Mold spores die when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. But in darkness, the spores thrive and can grow rapidly. No matter how hard you try, you may not completely eliminate all the dark nooks and crannies of your home that can support mold growth.
  4. Availability of food: Without food, mold won’t grow. However, since mold can feed on a variety of things, including meat, vegetables, drywall, fabric, wood, and other material, they can’t fail to find food in your home.
  5. Oxygen: Mold needs oxygen for growth. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to stop your home from having oxygen.
  6. Moisture: Mold is a living fungus. It needs moisture to survive. In fact, moisture is the biggest factor that will determine whether or not mold grows in your home since other factors are almost unavoidable. In your home, moisture can come from various sources. And you need to get to the root of every moisture problem in order to prevent mold. For example, a leaking pipe under your home can continuously cause walls to be wet. Or, water left standing too long after a flood can trigger mold growth. Deal with such moisture issues swiftly to stop mold.

How do you prevent mold after water damage?

  1. Act quickly after the damage to remove the water and dry up affected areas. It is important to take steps at the first sign of water seeping into your home.
  2. If the damage is due to a leakage, turn off all water sources into your home. This will stop the internal leakage and give you enough time to fix any plumbing issues.
  3. Remove all water-damaged items and materials that can’t be cleaned or completely dried. All rugs, carpets, and affected furniture should be removed. Cotton fabrics soak in a lot of water, and so should be tossed as the fungus easily takes hold in them.
  4. Use an air conditioner or dehumidifier to remove lingering moisture and keep indoor air as dry as possible.
  5. Use fans to enhance air circulation. Also, open windows and doors to allow air to circulate.
  6. Clean and dry all surfaces, making sure to eliminate moisture or water trapped within walls, underneath floorboards, or in corners.
  7. Remember to document the damages using pictures and videos for your insurance.
  8. Practice long-term prevention by having a home protection expert inspect your home, review old pipes, and check for possible leaks.

Reliable, Timely Water Damage Restoration

Would you like to work with a reputable water damage restoration service? At West Central Equipment and Restoration, we offer prompt, comprehensive, and efficient water damage restoration. We arrive at your property soon after you call, inspect the building, spot the source of the water, and stop further influx of water. We use our sophisticated water extractors, fans, and dehumidifiers to ensure your home is clean, dry, and safe. And we locate any mold growths in all potential hiding spots and problem areas without tearing down any walls or causing more damage. Call us today for thorough water damage restoration and trustworthy mold remediation.

For more information on water damage restoration and mold remediation, visit the site “West Central Equipment and Restoration.”


Act Quickly to Beat Mold After a Flood

3 Key Takeaways:

  1. Mold growth can cause a variety of health and structural problems in a home after a flood, so acting quickly is essential.
  2. Homeowners should immediately remove standing water, clear the affected areas, and use fans and dehumidifiers to dry wet surfaces.
  3. If the infestation covers more than 10 square feet, it should be handled by a trained and licensed professional.

After a flood, you want to clean and restore your home quickly to its original state. But one thing you must never forget: you’re also in a race against mold. Mold is not usually a problem indoors until its spores land on a wet or damp spot and start growing. A flood in your home creates exactly the environment needed by mold spores to grow.

Once it grows, mold produces allergens, irritants, and in some cases, potentially toxic substances called mycotoxins. These products may then cause immediate or delayed allergic reactions in sensitive people, worsen asthma in those allergic to mold, and irritate the skin.

Symptoms of mold exposure include:

  1. Sneezing
  2. Runny nose
  3. Red eyes
  4. Skin rash (dermatitis)
  5. Shortness of breath
  6. Wheezing
  7. Sore throat
  8. Fatigue
  9. Flu-like aches
  10. Irritation of the eyes, skin, throat, nose, and lungs

Mold is also dangerous from a structural point. It can:

  1. Stain the surfaces it grows on.
  2. Feed on and destroy porous materials it infests, including wood, fabric, and drywall.
  3. Destroy the structural integrity of the home, including bringing down walls, roofs, ceilings, and support beams.

Unfortunately, mold grows and spreads rapidly after a flood. And typically, you have only the first 24 to 36 hours after the flood within which you must act. That is, the resulting damp environment provides the perfect conditions for it to flourish. So it begins to grow as fast as within 24 to 48 hours and you have to act quickly to beat mold after a flood.

How should you act after a flood to beat mold?

  1. Swiftly drain the water: Mold spores settle and grow quickly in damp or wet areas. If water stands in your home for more than 24 hours, some spores would possibly germinate. And if the water remains in your home for more than 48 hours, mold will definitely grow. So, soon after you confirm that your home is structurally safe, pump out or soak up standing water. But if there are several feet of water, in which fuse boxes or other electrical equipment are submerged, then don’t get to work until you’ve called emergency workers to clear the space. If the water is too much—at least above your ankles—don’t remove it yourself. Hire professionals with the right equipment and experience. A professional restoration service has heavy-duty fans, dehumidifiers, and other equipment to remove the water and dry the place quickly. Also, you need professional restoration if your home is flooded with sewage or other contaminated water. Sewage is hazardous and is best handled by someone who is trained.
  2. Clear up affected areas: You want to work speedily and effectively. And so, you need the affected areas clear and all soaked up materials removed to enable a fast drying of the space. Therefore:
  3. Haul out wet things—pillows, curtains, upholstered furniture—to a driveway or garage where they can dry.
  4. Use fans to get air moving in enclosed spaces.
  5. Use a wet or shop vacuum to suck water from wet carpets.
  6. Use a dehumidifier to reduce moisture levels in flooded rooms.
  7. Make sure as much air movement as possible over wet areas. In particular, use larger, heavy-duty machines in basements and larger areas.
  8. Ensure wet walls dry thoroughly. Remove baseboards and moldings from flooded walls to speed up drying.
  9. For walls made of sheetrock, cut small openings into the bases of the walls to ensure drying of both the back and front of the walls.

What if mold grows too quickly to prevent?

Sometimes, for whatever reasons, you just can’t respond quickly enough to beat mold. For example, the flooding may be too severe and dangerous to dare access your home. Or the flooding damage may keep power off from your home for a few days, creating a dark and damp environment that gives mold the upper hand. And by the time you act, you’ll not just be dealing with water damage, but also with a rapidly spreading mold growth.

In that case, if the flooded areas are smaller than 10 square feet, handle the mold yourself. How? Wash off mold from hard surfaces using a mixture of hot water and detergent. Alternatively, use chlorine bleach or other biocide to clean the mold from the surfaces. Chlorine bleach is preferred when there is at least one occupant of your home with a weakened immunity. But when using bleach for mold cleanup, add no more than 1 cup of bleach into every gallon of water. And never mix bleach with ammonia or cleaners that contain ammonia.

What size of infestation requires professionals?

For mold infestation that covers more than 10 square feet, call a trained, licensed professional to do the cleanup. However, the technicians you hire should have relevant experience in getting rid of mold. They should also have liability insurance and references you can call.

What items should you toss?

The following items should be tossed if they look or smell moldy, or have been underwater:

  1. Carpets, carpet padding, and rugs.
  2. Upholstered furniture.
  3. Papers and books.
  4. Food items that were in contact with the flood water, including canned foods.
  5. Computers, microwaves, window A/C units, and other appliances that have fans that were sitting in the moldy rooms.

What should you clean and save?

  1. Artwork, textiles, or clothing with no physical damage.
  2. Books, photographs, and valuable legal documents with just small levels of mold.
  3. Hard, non-porous items like porcelain, glass, jewelry, metal, and china clay dishes.
  4. Wood furniture, as long as they are in good condition, even if moldy.
  5. Some electronics and small appliances, depending on flooding conditions.

Unbeatable Professional Mold Remediation

Have you suffered a recent water damage in your home and suspect that mold could be growing? Would you like a long-term partnership with a professional mold remediation service so you have ready expertise available in case of a flood?

At West Central Equipment and Restoration, we are a team of dedicated, professional, and competent water damage and mold remediation experts in Lecanto, Florida. We respond quickly when called, swiftly extract water, salvage valuables, and prevent potential mold growth. We do our job so well that we end up in long-term relationships with our clients. Call us today for help with water or flood damage in your property.

For more information on water damage restoration and mold remediation, visit the site “West Central Equipment and Restoration.”


Warning signs of mold in your home

Mold is a tenacious and dangerous fungus that can start growing in the most inconspicuous areas of your home, such as in dark, damp corners, beneath floorboards, and within organic materials. However, its growth can only go unnoticed for a brief period of time, as it releases allergens, irritants, toxins, and other compounds into the air, altering the feel and smell of the indoor environment. To keep your home safe and healthy, it is essential to be aware of the warning signs of mold.

A musty, stale odor – If there is a strange smell in your home, with no apparent cause such as dirty laundry or food waste, then it is likely mold growth. As mold grows, it releases microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs) into the air, which produce a distinct unpleasant smell, typically described as damp, earthy, musty, or stale. Act quickly before it spreads further, causes more damage, and becomes a health hazard.

Dark stains on walls or ceilings – Dark-colored patches or stains on walls and ceilings are a warning sign of mold. Mold colonies appear as stains or discolorations on surfaces, and though they can take different shades and colors, they are most commonly black or brown. To verify that they are mold, inspect the texture of the stains, if they are soft, fuzzy, or slimy and can easily be smeared, then it is definitely mold.

Worsening of asthma and allergies – If you or other occupants are experiencing a sudden increase in asthma or allergy symptoms, it is likely that mold is taking over your home. As mold grows, it produces spores and microbial volatile organic compounds (mVOCs) which act as airborne irritants and worsen asthma and allergy symptoms. If symptoms such as sneezing, nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, red, watery eyes, and itchy eyes, nose, or throat are on the rise, it could be a warning sign of mold in your home.

Chronic fatigue and headaches – If you experience chronic fatigue and headaches, it could be a warning sign of mold in your home. As mold grows, it produces mycotoxins, and a buildup of these toxins in enclosed spaces with poor air quality triggers a condition called sick building syndrome (SBS). Symptoms of SBS include a blocked or runny nose, dry throat, dry or itchy skin, dizziness, and headaches.

It is crucial to keep an eye out for these warning signs of mold in your home and take immediate action if any are present. A thorough inspection, including in hidden areas, should be carried out to ensure that mold is not growing in your home. Additionally, maintaining good indoor air quality and proper ventilation can help to prevent mold from growing in the first place. If you suspect that mold may be present in your home, it is essential to consult a professional for proper mold removal and remediation.

What is the best way to remediate mold?

The best way to remediate mold is through a comprehensive and systematic process that addresses all aspects of the problem. This includes inspecting and assessing the extent and source of the mold, containing and preventing the spread of spores, cleaning and sanitizing affected areas, and making recommendations for preventing re-growth.

The first step in mold remediation is to conduct a thorough inspection of the property to identify the type, extent, and source of the mold. This includes looking for visible mold growth as well as hidden mold behind and around surfaces, and may involve sampling and testing for different types of mold.

Next, the mold growth must be contained to prevent the spread of spores to unaffected areas. This includes repairing any water problems that may be contributing to the mold growth, isolating the contaminated area with plastic sheeting and sealing all seams, and suppressing dust in the building by misting contaminated areas.

Once the mold growth has been contained, it must be cleaned and sanitized. This includes using a wire brush to remove mold from non-porous and semi-porous surfaces, cleaning the surfaces with disposable wipes and a detergent solution, and rinsing with clean water. Any materials that are infested with mold or are otherwise unsalvageable must be disposed of properly in 6-mil thick, double-bagged plastic bags.

Finally, recommendations for preventing re-growth should be made and implemented, such as addressing any underlying moisture problems or making structural changes to the property. It is important to hire a professional mold remediation company that follows industry standards and guidelines to ensure the process is done safely and effectively.

Do air purifiers help with mold?

Air purifiers can be helpful in preventing mold growth in your home. They capture mold spores that float in the air, preventing them from landing on organic surfaces and germinating. This helps to stop the spread of mold in your home.

Mold is a common fungus that enters buildings through airborne spores and grows in damp areas such as around water pipes or leaks in roofs or windows. It can thrive in materials like wood and paper products, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, paints, carpet, drywall, fabric, upholstery, and insulation, causing significant damage as it spreads. It can also negatively impact indoor air quality and pose health risks, particularly for individuals with asthma or allergies or those with suppressed immune systems.

Air purifiers are most effective at preventing mold growth if they are installed before a mold problem arises. They can be especially useful in homes in humid areas or buildings with frequent water damage, flooding, plumbing issues, or drainage problems. While air purifiers alone may not be able to solve an ongoing mold problem, they can be used in conjunction with traditional treatments to prevent the influx of more spores and stop the spread of existing mold to unaffected areas.

The best air purifiers for preventing mold have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, which are highly effective at capturing tiny particles such as mold spores. HEPA filters are typically rated at 99.97% efficiency for capturing particles that are 0.3 microns or larger, while Absolute or True HEPA filters have a rating of 99.99% efficiency for capturing particles that are 0.1 microns or larger. To ensure that your air purifier is effective at preventing mold, make sure it has a HEPA filter or is compatible with one and replace the filter frequently as indicated in the packaging.

How do you soak up water damage?

When addressing water damage, it’s critical that you should not allow water to stand in your home. The longer the water stands, the more damage it can potentially cause to the floors, walls, cabinets, and personal belongings. What’s more, mold and rust are significantly more likely to occur if water damage is not tackled quickly and directly. 

So after identifying water damage, always seek to soak up the water swiftly to mitigate further damage and protect your possessions. Quickly drying out the affected areas prevents moisture from spreading, enables you to salvage many precious items, and makes the restoration job easier.

Type of water involved?

Before you can soak up water and dry out affected areas, know the type of water involved in the damage.

For instance, when water damage is caused by category-1 water, also called clean water, it’s generally safe to soak up the water on your own and with not much precaution as it does not pose substantial health risks. Examples of clean water damage include rain water, condensation, leaky pipe, sink overflow, or appliance malfunction.

But category-2 water, known as gray water, can be slightly contaminated and should be handled with safety gear. It includes water with a significant degree of biological, chemical, or physical contaminants that may cause sickness or discomfort upon exposure. Examples include damage from sump pump failures, toilet bowls of urine, water discharge from washing machines or dishwashers, and seepage due to hydrostatic failure.

The third type of water you may need to soak up is category 3 or “black water” which is grossly unsanitary. It may contain harmful fungi and bacteria, contaminate the indoor environment, and cause severe sickness or discomfort. Black water includes water from sewage, storm surge, rising water from streams or rivers, seawater, standing water, or ground surface water.

While you can safely soak-up and dry water damage due to clean water on your own, you should always involve water damage cleanup professionals to assist you with gray water and black water damage irrespective of the size. 

In these cases, consider contacting experts. Qualified licensed professionals have the right equipment and experience to soak up the water without exposing unaffected areas and inhabitants to dangerous contaminants.

Remove porous materials

Before you soak up water after damage, remove porous materials from the affected areas.  Materials such as insulation, fabric, unsealed cement, wood, carpet, and drywall easily absorb water and may make the cleanup process difficult. 

If the items have soaked in water, they may need to be cut and thrown away. That’s because water permanently damages porous materials by warping or shrinking them. They are also organic in nature and provide ample nutrients for the growth of mold.

If there is a gorgeous piece of furniture or other porous item you desire to save, try isolating it and drying it out. If the damage is already too much, especially if it is a drywall, you may need to eventually replace it.

Soaking up the water

To deal with water after damage, first focus on getting as much of the standing water as possible out of the house and affected areas. Also, consider purchasing an inexpensive squeegee to physically push the water out through your door, garage, or porch.

  1. Use a mop

The tried and true traditional mop is still incredibly effective at soaking up and removing water from the floor. A thick enough mop or towel will soak up a lot of water quickly. Again, you don’t need a special towel or tool for this; a regular mop can easily soak up standing water from around your home.

For water that is collected in only a portion of your home, take steps to prevent it from spreading to other rooms, especially if you have wooden floors and you’re worried about water seeping underneath. Focus your initial cleaning efforts on protecting more walls and flooring from the encroaching water.

  1. Use a pump

If the water is several inches deep, a mop may not be enough. Instead, consider using a sump pump, either rented or purchased. A sump pump is a submersible pump that constantly moves water through a pipe or hose. 

Another option is a wet or dry shop vacuum rated for use in wet conditions. Such a vacuum can powerfully soak up water from carpets and give you a fighting chance of saving your rugs and walls. Avoid an ordinary household vacuum whose interior is not protected from water.

  1. Dry out affected areas

After you soak up and remove standing water, dry the affected areas within 24-48 hours to prevent rust and mold. If there isn’t high humidity, open doors and windows to increase air circulation and get rid of moisture.

Next, use high-powered fans to increase air circulation in the affected areas, especially in case of smaller water damage. When a larger area is affected, engage a high-capacity dehumidifier to thoroughly dry out floors, walls, and surrounding carpet, wood, and other materials.

Lastly, when appropriate, use desiccants (silica gel, calcium oxide, clay) to soak up leftover moisture. Place the water-permeable desiccant packages (tubs or sachets) near affected flooring, walls or wet items to absorb moisture.

Once you remove the water and the porous and damaged materials, thoroughly disinfect the entire area before you begin repair work. Using bleach solution, lightly spray and wipe down the affected areas. Disinfection will ensure no mold spores are left behind to germinate.

Would you like help with water damage due to gray or black water? Are you experiencing the after effects of overwhelming water damage that merits advanced professional intervention?

At West Central Equipment and Restoration, our technicians tackle water damage on a regular basis so we’re prepared for the worst. 

We have some of the most effective equipment to target the removal of water and quickly dry affected areas quickly and safely.

For more information on water damage restoration, visit the site “West Central Equipment and Restoration.”

Moisture and Mold Problems: Preventing and Solving Them in Your Home

Household mold is unsightly, unhealthy and destructive. The dark, offensive patches can make your home unappealing. The tiny, irritating spores can trigger health problems, such as allergies and asthma. And the rapidly-spreading fungal growth can damage your walls, floors, ceiling, and roofs.

Because mold is found almost everywhere and can grow on nearly every substance provided there is moisture, you can prevent and solve mold problems in your home through moisture control. In fact, studies show that with humidity levels above 80-percent, there is a 50-percent chance of mold development.

To prevent and solve mold problems, keep the humidity level in your home at least 40-percent and not above 60 percent. Any humidity level below or above this range for an extended period of time can result in mold growth.

The most common sources of moisture and mold problems are:

  • Daily activities, such as bathing, showering, washing clothes, or cooking, particularly when exhaust fans are malfunctioning or not used.
  • Moisture condensation on cold surfaces.
  • Inadequate ventilation.
  • Plumbing leaks.
  • Infiltration of water from outside due to cracks or leaks in the foundation, walls, roof or floors.
  • Flooding due to weather conditions, like storm surges, heavy rainfall and snow melt.

The moisture will accumulate inside your home over time, especially if it can’t be vented out. Then, building materials get wet or damp and mold spores begin to germinate. Small growths spread quickly and colonize larger areas, resulting in a difficult-to-eliminate mold problem.

Generally, you can prevent and solve moisture and mold problems by:

  • Reducing the amount of moisture produced in your home.
  • Providing adequate ventilation, especially in moisture-prone areas.
  • Increasing heating to raise the temperature of the air and cold surfaces.
  • Insulating the building to warm up cold surfaces and keep heat inside.

More specifically, you can prevent and solve moisture and mold by focusing on the following areas.

  1. Exterior of the home/around the house
  • Slope the grade away from your building to ensure rain, irrigation water, and snow melt drain away from the house.
  • Repair plumbing leaks.
  • Use moisture-tolerant materials in areas likely to get wet, such as laundry areas, kitchen, and bathrooms.
  • Use exhaust fans and ventilation and air conditioning system to vent moisture outdoors.
  • Keep downspouts and eaves-troughs clean of debris and ensure that the outflow runs away from the house and not into neighboring foundations.
  • Run a dehumidifier in damp areas like basements or if there is moisture condensing on cold surfaces like window panes.
  • Buy a hydrometer to help you measure and control indoor humidity within the 40 to 60 percent range.
  • Clean drip pans frequently and keep drainage lines free of any obstacles.
  • Maintain standard room temperature, keeping the home warm especially during cold weather.
  1. Kitchen
  • Remove existing moisture using a kitchen range hood each time you cook. 
  • Check the range hood to ensure adequate air movement and that it vents to the outside.
  • Use exhaust fans to move moisture out of the kitchen, particularly after cleaning, washing, or even cooking. 
  • Regularly inspect your kitchen for leakages under the sinks, fridge ice makers, and other water resources.
  • Have proper ventilation in the kitchen, such as installing big fans and exhaust fans by the window on the crawl spaces.
  • Routinely empty and wash the refrigerator drip pans.
  •  Check to make sure that the kitchen gutters and other outdoor landscaping are functioning and delivering water out of your home, not inside.
  • Have a mold removal professional inspect and test cellar flooring for leakage.
  • Cover pots with a lid when cooking.
  1. Laundry
  • Avoid leaving damp clothing in the laundry basket, drier, or inside the washing machine.
  • Make sure your clothes dryer vents to the outside; and to seal joints in the dryer duct with foil tape to prevent moisture seepage into the surrounding.
  • Clean the lint tray each time you use the dryer.
  • Ensure nothing stands in front of the vent and make sure that the vent is clear.
  • Occasionally inspect outside the vent hood and remove any built-up lint.
  • Leave the door of the washing machine open when not in use to allow water left inside to dry. This prevents mold and bacteria from growing inside.
  • Ensure that water from the washing machine flows straight into the laundry sink or drain without splashing or dripping outside the laundry sink. You can use pipe extensions to prevent splashing.
  • Clear the port of your laundry of any obstacles like tint and other openings that may cause air leakage.
  • Dry the surroundings of the area as soon as possible by allowing air and natural light to go inside.
  • Check hoses and connections for leaks.
  1. Bathroom
  • Set up area rugs to help absorb moisture, but make sure to remove and clean them regularly when they get too wet.
  • Use an exhaust fan to remove moisture when you shower or take a bath.
  • Regularly check the exhaust fan to ensure adequate air movement and that it is vented to the outside and not to the attic.
  • Dry walls around the shower and bathtub after showering or bathing.
  • Avoid leaving damp towels on the ground; allowing them to dry naturally.
  • Check bathtubs and basins for any leaks; repairing plumbing leaks promptly.
  • Place mini-plants in the bathroom to help absorb moisture.
  • Remove any mold growths by scrubbing with unscented dishwashing detergent and water.
  • Clean frequently to stop small patches of mold from becoming larger.
  • Replace or repair open, damaged or cracked tile, grout, and caulking around tubs and showers.
  1. Windows, window frames, and sills
  • Repair any leaks promptly.
  • Use a kitchen range hood and bathroom exhaust fans to reduce indoor moisture levels.
  • Keep window coverings open to allow air to move over the windows.
  • Keep heating vents or baseboards clear of furniture so that heat can flow.
  • Leave interior doors open for good heat and air flow.
  • Dry window frames and sills daily to stop water from dripping and triggering mold growth.
  • Unplug and remove humidifiers.
  1. Walls
  • Scrub the wall hard enough to remove existing black, white or blue mold patches. Use bleach and heavy-duty sponge or scrub brush, allow the solution to soak for 5 minutes.
  • Use a big fan to enable the wall dry thoroughly.
  1. Wooden materials
  • Vacuum all mold affected areas to eliminate loose spores.
  • Use warm water and soap to wipe clean affected areas; and use a dash of vinegar to soften the mold.
  • Sand the cleaned area to eliminate any residual mold.

Trustworthy, timely mold remediation

There will be mold spores around your house, but they can not grow without moisture. That is why at West Central Equipment and Remediation we encourage homeowners to keep humidity levels in their homes between 40-percent and 60-percent to prevent moisture and mold problems.

For those already struggling with persistent mold, we recommend in-depth and systematic mold remediation to remove the existing growths and fix the underlying dampness.  As a professional service offering 24/7 all-year mold remediation, we have the right equipment and expertise to detect and solve all possible causes of moisture and mold problems in your home.

 For more ideas and direct support on how to prevent, clean and restore your home after mold invasion, visit the site “West Central Equipment and Restoration.”

Important reasons for professional mold removal

Mold can grow unnoticed in your home and become a potentially dangerous and highly frustrating problem. It can be hidden behind tiles, inside the walls, under suspended ceiling and in other hard-to-notice areas. 

The fungus spreads quickly, silently and easily through its lightweight spores. And as soon as it lands on an organic material or other favorable, moist surface, it germinates, grows and spreads. Hence, in no time, it will have contaminated a large area, caused unsightly patches, and damaged walls, floors, furniture, and fabric.

Because it spreads swiftly through tiny spores, you shouldn’t try to remove the mold yourself. You lack the skills, experience, and equipment to do so. And you can make the problem worse.

So, instead, you should get a professional mold remediation to do the job and stop mold from being a persistent and harmful problem. Not only do the experts have the right skills, equipment, experience, and know-how to tackle any form and scale of mold problem quickly and efficiently, but they have also mastered the ins and outs of mold remediation, making them better qualified to solve the problem.

What are the important reasons for professional mold removal?

  1. Helps to prevent more severe damages

Mold spreads fast and wrecks untold havoc when unchecked.  And because you may not have the right experience and equipment to detect every hidden growth, the fungi may continue spreading and causing damage without you realizing.  

In fact, the mold can gradually eat various materials in your home and eventually cause irredeemable and costly structural problems.

Involving professionals in mold detection and removal as early as possible ensures all existing growths are promptly discovered and removed. Also, expert knowledge is necessary when dealing with severe mold to prevent the fungi from making your home uninhabitable.

  1. Guarantee good health for inhabitants

Long term exposure to mold causes some symptoms, whether you are allergic to them or not. For instance, you or other inhabitants may experience nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, or skin rash.  

And those with asthma or allergies may experience more severe reactions, like asthma attacks, shortness of breath, constant headaches, migraine, or brain fog. 

Proper, efficient cleaning up of existing mold growths will prevent associated health risks. But trying to do so on your own may result in the release of thousands of mold spores into the air, exposing your loved ones to the risk of ingesting spores and developing health problems. 

Professional mold remediation will not just remove the mold lurking on the walls, floors, and ceiling, but will also do so in a manner that protects you and your loved ones.

  1. Identify the source of the mold problem

Removing mold is an excellent step. But no matter how often or how hard you try, the mold will keep growing if the underlying problems are not tackled. To germinate, grow and flourish, mold needs water, nutrients, oxygen, and an ideal environment. So these conditions must be cut off in order to get rid of the fungi permanently.

Professionals understand this approach. So they focus on both removing the mold and identifying the source of the growth before they even start the remediation process. 

You can count on a professional mold remediation service to determine the severity of the problem and take the right action to eliminate the mold issue once and for all. Plus, the specialists have the tools, knowledge, and experience to get the job done swiftly and more efficiently.

  1. Saves money

This may not be very obvious, but it is true. While hiring professionals can appear a little expensive, it is economical in the long run. 

That’s because recurrent mold growths can cost you an average of $500 to $5,000 per year. And in some cases, much more expensive especially if there is need to repair widespread structural damage.

By having professionals do the job, the problem is tackled promptly and comprehensively, eliminating issues that may trigger complications requiring thousands of dollars to repair. 

For instance, the experts will do an efficient job that will prevent mold from eating through building materials, such as ceiling tiles, floorboards, carpet, wallpaper, and drywall.

Why hire West Central Equipment and Restoration?

At West Central, we have mold remediation specialists who know how to inspect your property for mold, the mistakes to avoid, signs not to overlook, and how to permanently solve the problem.

Our professionals will:

  1. Locate and eliminate the source of mold, such as leakage or moist materials.
  2. Discover all mold growths in your property, whether hidden, visible, or dormant spores.
  3. Use proper equipment to speedily and efficiently remove mold from wood, clothes, walls, and other areas.
  4. Replace affected materials and apply special products to restrain mold development, hence preventing future mold growth.
  5. Repair any damages and thoroughly clean contaminated spaces.
  6. Work quickly and efficiently to minimize possible inconveniences to you and other inhabitants as restoration is completed.

At West Central Equipment and Restoration, we are committed to using safe, effective mold removal techniques. We are also continuously refining our mold detection and remediation methods to help us serve our clients better.  For more information on mold prevention, detection and removal, visit the site “West Central Equipment and Restoration.”

Mold: The Importance of Proper Ventilation

Like all fungi, mold requires a favorable environment to grow and thrive. Generally, molds are part of the natural environment, being useful in helping to break down dead organic matter, such as fallen leaves and dead trees. 

Mold spreads and grows through tiny, invisible spores that float in air. Upon landing on wet or moist surfaces, the spores germinate and produce mold colonies. Such growths are often helpful when they occur outdoors, but when they happen indoors, they are not useful and tend to have adverse effects on the health and comfort of the occupants.

Importance of proper ventilation in preventing mold growth

When properly designed, installed, maintained and operated, ventilation systems help to control the inflow and circulation of air indoors.  A proper ventilation system brings in new, fresh air indoors and ensures the air circulates in the home. 

The constant circulation of air indoors enhances indoor air quality by removing particulates, odors and other airborne contaminants, such as mold spores.  A correctly designed ventilation system also prevents entry of harmful substances and contaminants, including mold spores, which can degrade indoor air quality.

Therefore, with proper ventilation, the number of indoor mold spores can be reduced by preventing their entry or removing them from the interior of the home. Appropriate ventilation also changes pressure differences across a building, which may cause or prevent infiltration of mold spores from building structures or adjacent spaces. 

In fact, through proper ventilation the concentration of the spores in various sections of the home can be diluted to the point that they do not germinate even when the conditions become somewhat favorable.

Regulating indoor moisture levels through proper ventilation

A home’s ventilation system affects moisture flow through the building. It also helps to control humidity and may under various circumstances result in very high or very low humidity. 

For example, areas with poor ventilation usually tend to have increased humidity, which in turn results in condensation. On the contrary, areas with proper ventilation are usually more likely to have appropriate moisture levels as excess moisture is promptly removed by air flow.

In many homes, an elevated relative humidity is typically caused by poor ventilation. That’s because poor ventilation allows for the buildup of excessive moisture on surfaces. With increased relative humidity comes condensation and eventually mold growth.

Condensation occurs when humid air is in direct contact with a cold surface. That is, the high level of relative humidity involves an elevated amount of water molecules, which upon hitting a cold surface condenses into liquid.

A relative humidity above 60-percent increases the risk of mold because it can produce wet surfaces that mold spores need to germinate and spread. Plus, the surfaces where condensation may occur tend to have the nutrients that mold needs to thrive.

Therefore, having proper ventilation systems is an effective way of preventing mold. Adequate ventilation lowers relative humidity, prevents accumulation of moisture via condensation, and hence eliminates conditions that feed mold growth.

Trustworthy, professional mold remediation

Have you been struggling with persistent mold growths in your home? Would you like a thorough inspection of your property to unearth all the ventilation and moisture issues that are behind the mold growths?

At West Central Equipment and Restoration, we are a reputable, reliable and competent mold remediation service that provides top-notch, timely inspections, cleanup, and restoration of mold-ravaged homes. 

We work with homeowners to ensure proper design, installation, and maintenance of efficient ventilation systems. Plus, we respond to flood emergencies to help with water removal and flood cleanup, which prevent potential growth of mold.

During inspections, we dig out causes of poor ventilation, including:

  1. Inadequate exterior vents in the building
  2. Obstruction of exterior vents of the building by gradual buildup of debris
  3. Inadequate interior HVAC vents
  4. Obstruction of interior HVAC vents by furniture and other items

We also look out for signs of poor ventilation, such as:

  1. Presence of mold in your home
  2. Frosted appearance of glass windows and shower doors
  3. Appearance of rust staining on metal pipes
  4. Noticeable temperature differences between various rooms (hot or cold spots)

When we detect ventilation problems in your property, we fix the issues or update the ventilation system to make it effective in preventing entry of pollutants and removing indoor contaminants. Eventually, we ensure that your updated ventilation system can keep moisture out and away, control indoor humidity levels, and prevent recurring mold issues.

If during an inspection we find mold growth in your home, we remove it safely and effectively using the right techniques and cleaning solutions. You can trust us to deliver a mold remediation service that protects your health and enhances your home’s indoor comfort at a competitive price.

For more information on mold growth prevention, removal and restoration, visit the site “West Central Equipment and Restoration.”

Is there always mold with water damage?

While mold is one of the most common consequences of water damage, not all cases of water damage can lead to mold. The growth of mold requires appropriate conditions. And often, water must settle in a home generally for more than 8 hours for mold growth to begin.

Mold finds its way into a property through airborne spores which then germinate in the presence of suitable conditions of temperature and humidity. Usually, if there are airborne spores in a home and dirty water settles in the home for more than 8 hours after a damage then mold has sufficient conditions to begin spreading. 

But if a water leakage occurs and is quickly cleaned and dried, mold growth is either fully prevented or massively slowed down. So the best way to ensure there is no mold in your home after water damage is to remove the water as soon as possible. 

At West Central Equipment and Restoration, we respond fast encouraging quick water extraction and complete drying of a property soon after water leakage or flooding. From our experience, we understand that swift action prevents damp conditions from existing for too long in your home, which minimizes the possibility of mold growth. 

Dangerous, rapidly growing fungus

Mold is a type of fungus that grows on moist surfaces, particularly organic-based surfaces. The fungus grows and spreads through microscopic spores and can cause immense property damage through the decomposition of wood surfaces and other organic components of the floors, ceilings, wallpapers, and carpets.

The growth of mold in a home can also result in significant health issues. For instance, mold can trigger or worsen the symptoms of asthma, allergies, and other respiratory illnesses. It can also lead to bothersome skin rashes, eye irritation and nasal congestion.

More concerning are certain types of mold that secrete mycotoxins which can cause lung and eye irritation, nausea, headaches and fatigue in those who are exposed to these fungi.

Spotting mold growth in your home

When there is mold in your home, they appear as white or black specks that are usually conspicuous and easily spotted. Also, mold is characterized by a unique, musty smell that makes it easier to identify. But mold may equally grow in hidden places, which makes it difficult to notice and often require thorough inspection to discover.

After water leakage in your home, significant mold growth may occur after 48 hours to 1 week, depending on how quickly the water is removed. So even after you remove water from your property, you should actively search and watch out for potential mold growth.

At West Central Equipment and Restoration, we encourage a proactive approach for mold prevention and eradication. So we strongly recommend that homeowners regularly check for signs of water leakage in their homes. And whenever they detect any leaking areas, quickly dry the affected.

Checking for water leakage and mold growth entails looking for:

  1. Sounds of water dripping or rushing
  2. Water stains on ceilings and walls
  3. Musty smells
  4. White or black specks on surfaces
  5. Sudden hikes in water bills
  6. Signs of mold near pools, water heaters, laundry rooms, parking areas, and areas located near water features

Preventing mold growth in your home

Taking measures to prevent mold is a critical remediation step after water damage. It involves eliminating damp conditions that may allow mold spores to germinate in your home following the damage.

To prevent mold growth, you should:

  1. Get rid of all the water leaked into your home as quickly as possible, in less than 8 hours.
  2. Carry out thorough inspection of any leaking areas and repair any plumbing issues.
  3. Improve aeration in your property, such as moving furniture away from the walls to encourage air circulation.
  4. Keep your kitchen, bathroom, and laundry areas completely dry by using exhaust fans.
  5. Vacuum your property regularly to prevent mold spores from germinating.
  6. Have a specialist inspect your property regularly for the risk of water damage and for conditions that can promote mold growth.

Timely, meticulous water and mold damage restoration

Are you struggling with a persistent mold problem in your home? At West Central Equipment and Restoration, we provide prompt, thorough water and mold damage remediation and restoration services. 

When you have water damage in your home, we arrive as soon as you call us, identify and fix the source of the water leakage, and remove all the water as quickly as possible. Then, we dry all the affected areas thoroughly to get rid of dampness on wood and other surfaces, eliminating conditions that can trigger mold growth. 

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can form a long-term partnership that will secure your home from water damage and mold problems. For more information on water damage and mold remediation, visit the site “West Central Equipment and Restoration.”