Do air purifiers help with mold?

Air purifiers can be helpful in preventing mold growth in your home. They capture mold spores that float in the air, preventing them from landing on organic surfaces and germinating. This helps to stop the spread of mold in your home.

Mold is a common fungus that enters buildings through airborne spores and grows in damp areas such as around water pipes or leaks in roofs or windows. It can thrive in materials like wood and paper products, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, paints, carpet, drywall, fabric, upholstery, and insulation, causing significant damage as it spreads. It can also negatively impact indoor air quality and pose health risks, particularly for individuals with asthma or allergies or those with suppressed immune systems.

Air purifiers are most effective at preventing mold growth if they are installed before a mold problem arises. They can be especially useful in homes in humid areas or buildings with frequent water damage, flooding, plumbing issues, or drainage problems. While air purifiers alone may not be able to solve an ongoing mold problem, they can be used in conjunction with traditional treatments to prevent the influx of more spores and stop the spread of existing mold to unaffected areas.

The best air purifiers for preventing mold have HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters, which are highly effective at capturing tiny particles such as mold spores. HEPA filters are typically rated at 99.97% efficiency for capturing particles that are 0.3 microns or larger, while Absolute or True HEPA filters have a rating of 99.99% efficiency for capturing particles that are 0.1 microns or larger. To ensure that your air purifier is effective at preventing mold, make sure it has a HEPA filter or is compatible with one and replace the filter frequently as indicated in the packaging.